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Next Stage Celtic Wheel 

Become the FORCE OF NATURE you were born to be


We are in a crucible moment. It's a wild edge of evolution moment. The ancients predicted it. You know it in your belly and in your bones. 

The Patriarchal systems that have been leading the world are in the final throws of death. In the indigenous wisdom of Ireland, women held the power of sovereignty and cyclical wisdom.

Next Stage Celtic Wheel is a year-long journey of remembering and reweaving ancient wisdom with new knowledge, for modern medicine women who want to birth a new, more beautiful world together. 




Wise Women




Celtic Calendar Cycles


Virtual Campfire Ceremonies

Have you been feeling OVERWHELMED and POWERLESS in this INTENSE time of change?


Do you feel torn between two worlds? One foot still in the old world that is collapsing and one tentative foot in the possibility of a new more soulful world

But you often feel helpless to external forces that are threatening areas if your life and the planet.

It feels like everything is being shaken up,  so many moving parts.

You are done with the hustle, 'always on' culture - but you don’t know how to get off that hamster wheel.

You struggle with never having enough time, joy or ease. 

You have a longing to do your bit, to be the change.  

You are drawn to nature, Celtic wisdom, cyclical awareness, and the sacred work of the Feminine.

I know that place intimately, from my own life and from working with women over the last 15 years.

So let me tell you a few things I've learned...

Not only can you handle the intensity of now - you can trust it to reshape you into a shameless, wise and powerful Sovereign woman. 

Being a mess, feeling lost and alone is all part of the path of flourishing. 

What you are feeling is the creative force of evolution. Its your fierce 'forbidden' Feminine nudging, prodding and screaming at you to take up your place as a Force of Nature.

You have what you need inside.

You have instinctual wisdom, innate power and untapped magic just waiting to be reactivated. It’s in your bones, your DNA and in your ancestral lineage.

You hold a unique piece of the puzzle that nobody else has. In the Celtic tradition that is called your Dán, your life's poem, your gifts.  

The ancestors of this land of Ireland honoured the in-between, liminal spaces, the unmapped. They trusted the interconnection of everything.  

This wisdom can resource you now.




A year long journey of ritual, practice and tribe for women who want to live more deeply, claim their sovereignty and usher in a new way together.

Here are some of our touchstones on that journey. 

a map for Next Stage 


Imagine having a map and guidance through the next 12 months, to help you play with becoming more yourself, living from your sovereign centre. 

Deepen into your depths, negotiate this turbulent time and gently learn to live as a wild intuitive force of nature, born with unique gifts for this time.


Our work now is to unravel and reweave.

Unravel and undo the unhealthy masculine patterns that are leaving us hard, depleted and powerless. Reweave the soft, fierce, intuitive feminine ways back into our lives so that we embody a radically new harmony between our inner feminine and masculine. 

a new relationship to NATURE, CYCLES + TIME 

As we travel around the Wheel, attuning to nature's cadence and the ritual rhythms of our ancestors, our perception of time changes. 

We stop living exclusively as slaves to the scarcity consciousness of linear time. We find ourselves in the creative consciousness and ease of cyclical time.  


No matter where you are on the planet, the Celtic Wheel connects you to the land you find yourself on and to your place in the "family of things." 

The ancients of Ireland honoured the land as feminine and they deeply understood the interconnectedness of all things. We remember that we are all indigenous to this planet.

of allies

We are more powerful in a tribe. As we share our stories in sisterhood a new more beautiful collective story comes to life through us. 

Come sit in circle around our virtual hearthstone, in an evolved sisterhood of modern medicine women on the same path, all over the planet.


The journey through the seasons is the sacred cycle of birth, death and rebirth. It is the creative process of the cosmos. 

Women have always held knowledge of this sacred cycle in our bones. We are magical creative beings in a quantum field. This is a time of manifesting from the frequency of your Soul. 

Join the 24/25 Waitlist

So here you go ... 

Everything you’ll get with Next Stage Celtic Wheel 


  • 10 x LIVE RITUAL CALLS + ACTIVATIONS with me on Zoom, all recorded (two hour calls). We share, we create ritual together and you will receive an energetic activation every 6-7 weeks at each Celtic festival
  • 4 x TRIBE LIVE calls (90 minute) with special guest speakers where we will deepen into the theme we are playing with in 24/25
  • 4 x ANAM CARA group calls. (90 minutes). These will be facilitated calls, one in each season, that create a space and structure for you to meet in a smaller ongoing peer group with in the intention of deepening the learning and sisterhood. 
  • A FESTIVAL GUIDEBOOK one week before each festival to prepare for the festival.
  • 3 x PRE-RECORDED TEACHING VIDEOS (+ audios) before each festival. I share how to live into the ancient ancestral wisdom for our modern lives and bring you onto the land to the power places and sacred sites for each festival.
  • 16 x WISDOM WEAVES short worksheets exploring the cyclical themes we work with in each seasons. You receive these every two weeks between each festival.
  • PRACTICES to live and embody the cycle  -Worksheets, meditations, wisdom maps, ritual preparations, wisdom practices and resources
  • Access to a TRIBE MEMBERSHIP PORTAL until 21st October 2025
  • Access to the TRIBE COMMUNITY APP for connecting with me and the sisterhood until 21st October 2025


Plus 2 Extra Bonuses:

  • The EIGHT WISDOMS OF THE CELTIC WHEEL WEBINAR recording  I break down 8 wisdoms that the Celtic Wheel of the Year offers us as powerful and practical medicine for this time.
  • The EIGHT CELTIC FESTIVALS eBOOK 24/25 EDITION -  This is an updated 'at a glance' guide to the sacred festivals with the archeoastrological festival dates for 24/25 and some new maps. 

I'm Mari Kennedy,

I will be your guide.

The Celtic Wheel 
found its way to me in 2011, when I was in a very challenging and desolate place. For the preceding five years, my life had been in a constant state of flux, uncertainty and loss.

In April that year, my father was dying. I now know that the Celtic Wheel was his passing gift to me. It happened in a mythic moment in the auspicious Hazel Wood forest in Sligo, on the west coast of Ireland.

A month later I met my teacher in this tradition - Dolores Whelan - who has been a Carrier of the Flame of Celtic Consciousness for the past 30 years.

I had taken Celtic Studies as an Archaeology undergraduate at university, but it was years later, through the Celtic Wheel, that I entered a soul apprenticeship to the Celtic tradition.

The Celtic Wheel is the ritual calendar handed down to us from the indigenous Celtic and Pre-Celtic ancestors of this land. They were rooted in the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. The feminine and masculine were both honoured and they deeply understood the interconnectedness of all things.

Reconnecting with the wisdom of the Celtic Wheel profoundly changed how I approached my life. It helped me to make sense of my challenges and losses. It showed me the value and beauty of the ebbs and flows, the fallow and the fertile times.

It taught me to trust the falling apart, the dark and death.

It continues to demand that I own my radiant power as a woman and live unapologetically aligned to my Soul. It showed me the PATH OF EVOLVED SOVEREIGNTY. 

It offered me a map of how to reclaim and lead from my inner feminine - through rhythms, cycles and nature and in so doing, find a gentler, wiser and more fierce way to live.

It connected me to the mystical in a very practical way.

This is why I created this body of work. This is why I lead women.

My Story
Are you hearing the call?

Here’s a look at the journey we will take...

Call 1:

Welcome Call

Fáilte Isteach - Welcome in 

Orient: Welcome yourself onto this Sovereign journey around the Wheel and meet your tribe.

Pre-call material: Welcome workbook 

Post call: Call Recording 


Call 2:

Samhain Festival:
The Cauldron 

Death and Darkness

Samhain circle and ritual to celebrate the Celtic new year and the ceremonial threshold of winter and the Giamos (dark) half of the year. 

Reclaiming: Dark feminine powers of shedding, surrendering and sacrifice.

Pre-call material: Samhain festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Samhain Wisdom Weaves + Samhain practices 

Image credit: Philipp Pilz
Image credit: Filip Zrnzevic
Call 3:

Winter Solstice:
The Womb   

The Void and Desires

Winter Solstice circle and ritual to celebrate the alchemy of the dark void and the threshold of midwinter.

Reclaiming: The dark feminine powers of receptivity, rooting and dreaming. 

Pre-call material: Winter Solstice festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Winter Solstice Wisdom Weaves + Wisdom practices 

Call 4:

The Fiery Arrows


Awaken and Emergence

Ritual call to celebrate new beginnings at the threshold of Spring.

Reclaiming The feminine powers of the creatrix and masculine powers of 'one-pointed focus' and committment.

Pre-call material: Imbolc festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Imbolc Wisdom Weaves + Imbolc practices 

Image credit: Mohammad Zeeshan
Image credit: Josie Weiss
Call 5:

Spring Equinox:
The Vesica Pisces


The Dance of Opposites

Spring Equinox circle and ritual to celebrate equal day, equal night and the ritual threshold of mid Spring.

Reclaiming the feminine power of magnetic potency and the masculine power of discipline and commitment.

Pre-call material: Spring Equinox festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Spring Equinox Wisdom Weaves + Spring Equinox practices.

Call 6:

The Sacred Marriage 


Roots and Blossoms 

Bealtaine circle and ritual to celebrate fertility and protection at the threshold of Summer and the Samos (bright) half of the year. 

Reclaiming our sovereign Queen and the masculine power of boldness and risk taking. 

Pre-call material: Bealtaine festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Bealtaine Wisdom Weaves + Bealtaine practices 

.  Image credit: Lauren McConachie
Image credit: James Day
Call 7:

Summer Solstice:
The Shining Ones


Power and Pleasure

Summer Solstice circle and ritual to celebrate the growth and eros at the ritual threshold of midsummer.

Reclaiming the feminine power of fullness and radiance and the masculine power of volition and taking up space, in service to the feminine.

Pre-call material: Summer Solstice festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Summer Solstice Wisdom Weaves + Summer Solstice practices 

Call 8:

The Gifts 


Ripeness and Joy

Tribe circle and ritual to celebrate the abundance of the harvest at the ritual threshold of Autumn.

Reclaiming the feminine capacity for celebration, craic, joy  tempering the over-masculine tendency of burnout and excess. Harvesting our unique constellation of Soul gifts. 

Pre-call material: Lughnasa festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + Lughnasa Wisdom Weaves + Lughnasa practices 

 Image credit: Markus Spiske
 Image credit: Jill Diamond
Call 9:

Autumn Equinox:
Final Harvest 


The integration of opposites

Tribe circle and ritual to celebrate the final harvest and the ritual threshold of mid Autumn.

Reclaiming the feminine intelligence of pausing to complete, tempering the over-masculine tendency to by pass intentional endings. 

Pre-call material: A. Equinox festival guide

Post call material: Call recording + A.Equinox Wisdom Weaves + A. Equinox practices 

Call 10:

Circle into Spirals 


Conscious Completion 

Tribe closing circle and ritual to complete our mythical journey together and prepare to drop into the deeper and higher spiral of the next cycle. 

Pre-call material: Preparation for the ritual.

 Image credit: Markus Spiske
*The theme for 24/25 will be announced in early September...


Here is a look at the theme we in NSCW Tribe 23/24 have been playing with:

UISCE: Women and Water

Bodies of water were honoured as  sacred and connected to mythical goddesses by the ancients of this land of Ireland.

Holy wells, rivers, lakes and the sea were  portals into the Otherworld, places of healing, wisdom and power. Women gathered at wells and water was connected to liminality and the lunar mysteries.

In 2024 astrologically we are stepping deeper into the Age of Aquarius - The Water Carrier. 

Throughout this 23/24 cycle, each woman in TRIBE will be invited to be a Water Carrier. We will each connect and become stewards of a body of water in our particular corner of the planet. We will also come into relationship with the water in our own bodies.

Together we will return to a sacred honouring of living water on our land and in our bodies.

Expect some special Water Wisdom Holders popping in during the year. 

All this plus...





I break down 8 wisdoms that the Celtic Wheel of the Year offers us as powerful and practical medicine for this time. 



2024/2025 updated edition 


a beautifully designed eBook detailing the themes, mythology, symbols, gifts and wisdom of each Celtic festival and season. It includes the 2024 / 2025 archeoastrological dates for each sacred threshold.

Doors Open in











One Payment


12 Monthly Payments


Per Month


 Click below if you would like to check out the Self Led option which you can join at any time through the Celtic year. 

The Self Led journey
Next steps!

How It All Works

Step 1

Doors open on September 25 2024. Receive your welcome pack and watch the introduction video. Take some time to orient yourself in the membership area. Set your intention and consider the intentional power word you will work with for the full cycle.

Step 2
Meet me and your Tribe

You will receive the Samhain festival material on October 24 2024.  Then join me for the Opening Circle welcome call live just before Samhain on October 29 2024 . We will meet the TRIBE, orient together, set our intentions and Prepare for the Celtic new year.

Step 3
Step onto the Wheel

After the Opening Circle take some time with the materials to prepare for our Samhain ritual on November 4 2024. Together on that live call  we will step onto the next spiral of the Wheel and begin our beautiful Soul journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions